

Student Life

Welcome to the Library

Primary Catalog  Secondary Catalog

The TISA Library is a community resource with two dedicated spaces – one in the Primary School and one in the Secondary School. These are spaces for the whole community to read, research, and collaborate. Our library has an extensive collection of print and digital resources for children, teens, and adults, providing access to materials for both curricular and recreational purposes.

Students in all grades are welcome to borrow books before and after school. In addition, Nursery-P8 students have dedicated borrowing time each week. Secondary students may visit the library during all breaks and with classes as scheduled. Parents and staff are encouraged to borrow materials from both of our libraries.

The TISA Library also provides access to a variety of digital resources for learners of all ages. These sites include our online catalog and a range of online encyclopedias, databases, and periodicals. More information can be found on our databases and subscriptions page.

Databases and Subscriptions

All members of the TISA community are welcome to make recommendations to the library through our library wishlist. We will consider all recommendations as part of collection development. Full details about how our library maintains its resources can be found in our Collection Development Policy


Jessica Lind – Whole School Librarian –


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