
Student Wellbeing

Student Life

Student Wellbeing

Primary Focus:

Homeroom teachers deliver a holistic wellness curriculum that includes a focus on social, emotional development, Keeping Safe; Child Protection Curriculum (KSCPC) and becoming creative problem solvers and productive global citizens.

Secondary Focus:

Relationships are central to wellbeing, in secondary school, small groups of students (seven or less) are matched with coaches who they meet with daily, during Taking Action Ourselves (advisory lessons). Their coach helps them work towards their individualized goals, as well as on grade level action projects, KSPCP lessons and additional wellbeing activities and lessons.

View the andbook for the Post TISA Planning Process from Career Thinking and Planning to the University choice and application process:

Designing Tomorrow

TISA Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy

TISA Safeguarding and Child Protection Statement

Keeping Safe: Child Protection Curriculum (KS:CPC) KS:CPC is a child safety and respectful relationships curriculum providing age and developmentally appropriate activities for all children and young people at TISA from Nursery (age 3) to DP2 (age 17+). For more information about the program a video is included here (or click the image below).

All members of the TISA Community have a duty to safeguard and promote the welfare of the young people that attend our school. If you have a child protection or safety concern,  you must please report it to one of the following TISA staff members:

Primary School

Persons Role Email/Contact Number
Mirjana Madigan Primary School Counselor and Designated Safeguarding Lead

+994 (0)12 404 1201 ext. 114

Kimball Romney Primary School Counselor and Designated Safeguarding Lead
Brianne Eddy-Leee Primary School Principal

+994 (0)12 404 1201 ext. 109

Lala Suleymanova Local Safeguarding Contact for reporting in Azerbaijani or Russian language

+994 (0)12 404 1201 ext. 142

Secondary School

Persons Role Email/Contact Number
Sarah Borgerding M5-DP2 Counselor and Designated Safeguarding Lead

+994 (0)12 404 1201 ext. 158

Marie Favret Secondary School Principal

+994 (0)12 404 1201 ext. 118

Sheyda Suleymanova Local Safeguarding Contact for reporting in Azerbaijani or Russian language

+994 (0)12 404 1201 ext. 141

Rachael Molitor M1-M4 Counselor

+994 (0)12 404 1201 ext. 135


General Statement

At TISA, we prioritize student wellbeing by creating an environment that engages, empowers, and inspires. We engage students through dynamic and inclusive learning experiences, empower them with the skills and confidence to thrive in a global community, and inspire them to pursue their passions and achieve their full potential.

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