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P5 students recently did their own shopping for ingredients to cook and experiment with for our How The World Works Unit of inquiry. They brought their own reusable shopping bags to the supermarket and thought carefully about the sustainability of the goods they bought as well as value for money. In other words, the students took action towards the UN Sustainable Development Goal 12. Responsible consumption.

Lots of parents came along. This meant students shopped in small groups and engaged in rich discussions about the different ways their choices could impact the environment and their own health. They considered where goods were produced, packaging, sugar content, possible use of palm oil and much more. Students made every effort to be principled and make balanced choices. By shopping for resources themselves, students were empowered and demonstrated agency over their own learning. They also put their maths skills to use by practising rounding and estimating to predict the cost of their shopping.

Hopefully, these young students have inspired their parents and other members of our community to be mindful of sustainability when they go shopping.

The International School of Azerbaijan

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